Press kit - what is it and how it helps your business?

You have one shot only and you’d better choose your target cleverly.

Press kit. A set of tools put together for press and promotion. You have one shot only and you’d better choose your target cleverly.


Why press kit and how?


Your main chance to promote yourself is through a press kit. To put one together and to do it well is essential. We talk about such a huge range that might cover people, companies, brands, products and services that the tools and features your press kit should contain is variable. You need to think like the receiver in order to understand what they definitely need and the peculiarities that will win favours.


As a person, a business, corporation or any kind of organization, it is crucial how you communicate with the press, which means the readers in the long run. Creating a press kit is important if you want to be a part of painting a picture of yourself. People will know about you on the basis of what they get, read or hear about you in different platforms. If you give a certain, but useful guide to create the frame, faulty news will be lack in your territory.


Things you should absolutely involve in your press kit:


  • Informational data about your company
  • Design material (logos in various sizes)
  • Your personal story, quotes
  • Marketing material, images, documents, videos etc.
  • Introduction of your staff, bios of relevant members
  • Press release, articles and news that mentioned us and/or our company


Another good thing about a well assembled press kit and media tools is that they can save you time as you answer tons of questions before they are formed. It is very useful when you are launching new events, services etc. People will already know all that should be known and will focus on specific points that both parties value more. For example, at a press conference a prepared journalist will avoid asking questions about foundation and so forth - unless it is essentially part of the current topic.


Learn from others


When you don’t know where to start, a good way to begin your own press kit making is checking out others’.


For example, here you can find a very informative and official press kit for a brand business, like the well-known Tesla. Have a look and see what design, tools and documents they are using on their press kit.


An even more official is here. As you can see, the level of communication reflects their company, and the way they represent themselves to the world, anyway. So always stay loyal to the original layout and tune, otherwise people will be confused and not be able to link the picture you show with the actual business.


An example for a more leisure and less informational press kit is this. It contains pictures, basic informations about the pictures from the Star Wars movies and subbing. It is for fans mainly, and perhaps no direct profit is expected from it, but people will remember how cool it was.


After all is said and done, come up with your own press kit. You can find a thousand different sites for help, here is one to start. And another one to make sure you choose the best for your need.




All in all, you need to see what needs you need to fulfill in order to create a good press kit for your company, business, staff or whatever you make it for. Always think about a package of media tools and format you would be happy with and ensure your success that way.

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